What do people with Eating Disorders need to do?
People with eating disorder need to be offered a wide variety of foods including energy dense foods in treatment to safely and effectively restore their body.
For the patient with anorexia nervosa, energy intake of 3000 to 4000 kcal may be required to achieve weight restoration, even when physical activity is restricted.
What could be the Solution?
Getting creative about nutrition and suggesting meal plans can ease the pressure that would otherwise be put on certain foods, and help them recover effectively.
An eating plan, A nutrition based food application that is high in diet variety and energy density may actually help restore physical health, psychological well being, and prevent future relapse.
An eating plan that suggests to choose their own food and recommend nutritiously balanced meals could successfully help people with eating disorders.
I created a nutrition based dietary application , named “Healin”.
It’s an eating plan that suggests to choose their own food and recommend nutritiously balanced meals, but without showing Calories.