What I learned
First, I learned not to let my own presumptions affect the redesign decision. It is very easy to assume we know what is best for the product and users, and I had to constantly remind myself that I am designing for the users.Also, it was not easy to redesign the whole application that is highly used in the States. People are very used to the app already and it was not easy to change every design, I felt that when working on UX research project, it would be better to work in a team environment. I felt that there is a lack of feedback when I am designing the solutions. With a team, the design process would be a lot more efficient and more complex problems could be solved. Teammates support each other by building up your ideas.Finally, I wish I could have tested the new features with actual high volume sellers and buyers because I believe their output would have been more beneficial to me, as they are the direct users to these additional features.the more research you do , the better.